Pulitzer Prizes: Fiction and Poetry

Established by publisher Joseph Pulitzer. Winners are chosen by independent panels. Open only to US citizens. The fiction award is generally given to a novel that deals with American life.

Pulitzer Prize: Fiction

2005 - Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
2004 - The Known World by Edward P. Jones
2003 - Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
2002 - Empire Falls by Richard Russo
2001 - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
2000 - Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
1999 - The Hours by Michael Cunningham
1998 - American Pastoral by Philip Roth
1997 - Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer by Steven Millhauser
1996 - Independence Day by Richard Ford
1995 - The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields
1994 - The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx
1993 - A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain by Robert Olen Butler
1992 - A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
1991 - Rabbit at Rest by John Updike
1990 - The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love by Oscar Hijuelos
1989 - Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler
1988 - Beloved by Toni Morrison
1987 - A Summons to Memphis by Peter Taylor
1986 - Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
1985 - Foreign Affairs by Alison Lurie
1984 - Ironweed by William Kennedy
1983 - The Color Purple by Alice Walker
1982 - Rabbit Is Rich by John Updike
1981 - A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
1980 - The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer
1979 - The Stories of John Cheever by John Cheever
1978 - Elbow Room by James Alan McPherson
1977 - No Award
1976 - Humboldt's Gift by Saul Bellow
1975 - The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
1974 - No Award
1973 - The Optimist's Daughter by Eudora Welty
1972 - Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
1971 - No Award
1970 - Collected Stories by Jean Stafford
1969 - House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday
1968 - The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron
1967 - The Fixer by Bernard Malamud
1966 - Collected Stories by Katherine Anne Porter
1965 - The Keepers of the House by Shirley Ann Grau
1964 - No Award
1963 - The Reivers by William Faulkner
1962 - The Edge of Sadness by Edwin O'Connor
1961 - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
1960 - Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
1959 - The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters by Robert Lewis Taylor
1958 - A Death in the Family by James Agee
1957 - No Award
1956 - Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor
1955 - A Fable by William Faulkner
1954 - No Award
1953 - The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
1952 - The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
1951 - The Town by Conrad Richter
1950 - The Way West by A.B. Guthrie, Jr.

Pulitzer Prize: Poetry

2005 - Delights and Shadows by Ted Kooser
2004 - Walking to Martha's Vineyard by Franz Wright
2003 - Moy Sand and Gravel by Paul Muldoon
2002 - Practical Gods by Carl Dennis
2001 - Different Hours by Stephen Dunn
2000 - Repair by C.K. Williams
1999 - Blizzard of One by Mark Strand
1998 - Black Zodiac by Charles Wright
1997 - Alive Together: New and Selected Poems by Lisel Mueller
1996 - The Dream of the Unified Field by Jorie Graham
1995 - The Simple Truth by Philip Levine
1994 - Neon Vernacular by Yusef Komunyakaa
1993 - The Wild Iris by Louise Gluck
1992 - Selected Poems by James Tate
1991 - Near Changes by Mona Van Duyn
1990 - The World Doesn't End by Charles Simic
1989 - New and Collected Poems by Richard Wilbur
1988 - Partial Accounts by William Meredith
1987 - Thomas and Beulah by Rita Dove
1986 - The Flying Change by Henry Taylor
1985 - Yin by Carolyn Kizer
1984 - American Primitive by Mary Oliver
1983 - Selected Poems by Galway Kinnell
1982 - The Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath
1981 - The Morning of the Poem by James Schuyler
1980 - Selected Poems by Donald Justice
1979 - Now and Then by Robert Penn Warren
1978 - Collected Poems by Howard Nemerov
1977 - Divine Comedies by James Merrill
1976 - Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror by John Ashbery
1975 - Turtle Island by Gary Snyder
1974 - The Dolphin by Robert Lowell
1973 - Up Country by Maxine Kumin
1972 - Collected Poems by James Wright
1971 - The Carrier of Ladders by William S. Merwin
1970 - Untitled Subjects by Richard Howard
1969 - Of Being Numerous by George Oppen
1968 - The Hard Hours by Anthony Hecht
1967 - Live or Die by Anne Sexton
1966 - Selected Poems by Richard Eberhart
1965 - 77 Dream Songs by John Berryman
1964 - At the End of the Open Road by Louis Simpson
1963 - Pictures from Breughel by William Carlos Williams
1962 - Poems by Alan Dugan
1961 - Times Three: Selected Verse from Three Decades by Phyllis McGinley
1960 - Heart's Needle by W.D. Snodgrass
1959 - Selected Poems 1928-1958 by Stanley Kunitz
1958 - Promises: Poems 1954-1956 by Robert Penn Warren
1957 - Things of This World by Richard Wilbur
1956 - Poems - North and South by Elizabeth Bishop
1955 - Collected Poems by Wallace Stevens
1954 - The Waking by Theodore Roethke
1953 - Collected Poems 1917-1952 by Archibald MacLeish
1952 - Collected Poems by Marianne Moore
1951 - Complete Poems by Carl Sandburg
1950 - Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks